Tuesday, November 29, 2022

1 to 1 Conversation


                      26 NOVEMBER 2022      


Sometimes what can be better than 1to1 conversions of father and daughter.

Today it was my sister friend birthday at chop chop wonk and my sister wanted to go so my sister said to my dad that can you drop me at chop chop wonk and go to dunkin my dad said ok. So I ask my dad can I go with him he said ofcourse.

 I was really happy we droped are sister and went to dunkin. but She had my dad money so we went back to chop chop wonk and she went to dunkin but we met in the road then she returned the money.

 we odered an American hot coffee, 2 donots and 1 caramel cold coffee we sat on the second floor near to a window.


First my dad started writing in his journal and I was eating. The environment was peaceful after I ate I thought that is anything free I noticed NO so I challenged my dad if anything is free after thinking for so long he quit and said NO. we talked about this for a while my dad said it is an economics question that every thing has a cost for example if you want a to plant a tree we have to buy seeds,fruit like in a reastruant they always want profit to pay the rent , their worker and many thing else.

Then I asked if everything was free than what will be the disadvantages, my dad replied everyone will take everything for granted. There will be no one to invent things because there will be no profit for them. Think about it will you do a job for someone and get nothing back exactly you won’t.

Then my dad told me when he was a kid if he wanted to buy a drink it will be in a glass jar and he would have to also pay for the jar or return it.

Then we observed the beauty of silence for ten minutes, it was really fun. Then Nawaal came with her friends and I gived my leftover coffee to a poor kid. My dad wanted to pray so my dad asked if it was okay that he pray in a place where a petrol pump seted a place where people can pray so my dad prayed over there then we went home. It was an amazing trip.

Love you daddy   

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